Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Profound Silence

As is often the case, my mind wanders to things profound and spiritual.Somehow the subject of this poem that I wrote 8 years ago remains current in my mind. Just when I think I'm clear what I think about silence, another thought winkles its head out of the soil of my mind.(How's that for a metaphor!) I've come to know that this a a good thing. All that remains is for me to nurture this new little plant. And who knows what will come of it. Perhaps my idea of silence Will grow stronger and more beautiful and bear unimagined fruits. And fruits are meant to be shared. You never know, another poem might just spring from it!


Early morning darkness
Wind is asleep
Birds are not stirring
A soul alone, at one with the universe.

Is this profound silence?

Woman sitting alone on a bench
Book open in her hands
Staring off into the distance
Her face a map of serenity.

Is this profound silence?

Man on his knees at the altar
Head bowed, eyes closed
His face a gentle mask
Of expectancy.

Is this profound silence?

A wide-eyed child spellbound
At his first sight of snowflakes
A moment frozen in time
A look of joy -
Once seen, never forgotten.

Is this profound silence?

Contemplation of a master’s work
Eyes shining, cheeks aglow
Climbing into the artist’s mind
Experiencing the joy of creation.

Is this profound silence?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my corner of Blogland today. I enjoyed your poem about silence, and recognise a kindred spirit in the way your thoughts run. The joy of Blogland! I look forward to more links between us.
