Monday, September 14, 2009

The Kitchen Gremlins

I have just noticed a strange phenomenon occurring in my kitchen. I think that something like Santa's workshop after closing time is happening. I spend time (now and then) cleaning and washing up. I leave feeling pleased with myself. An hour or two later I return with the intent of doing some cooking. Wait a minute! Where did that spoon come from? I'm sure that black splotch wasn't on the floor there before. Puzzled and annoyed, I clean things up again and proceed to do my cooking. I notice, as things progress, that the sink and counters are filling up with clutter at an astonishing rate. I can't be using that many utensils, I think. Oh well, again, I clean up again. Sink's clean, counters are clear, floor is free of unidentified items.
Off I go , coffee in hand, feeling pleased with myself. Time passes. I am in and out of the kitchen a few times, but imagine my shock when I do really look around! Again not just spoons, but knives seem to have leaped into the sink, possibly in antipication of a hot bath? They have been joined by several plastic cartons - wearing suspicious evidences of food, and a small pot. I sigh and look around in puzzlement. There must be some as yet unseen gremlins inhabiting my kitchen. I imagine them chortling (quietly) with glee as they wreak this disorder.
Tell me, are there any more kitchens out there like this or is mine an anomaly?